Custom Signage - Cut or Punched into Steel Products.

Price Per Unit Starts At:$255.00
Custom identity or messages can be included on select products using steel plate or perforated steel.
Park benches using our cut steel plate contour seat can be customized with your message cut directly into the steel plate. There are some limits on the size of letters and the length of the message. This custom message can be used on B78 and B79 contour Riverview Benches, B82 contour Gillette Benches and B94 contour Oak Knoll benches incorporating the cut steel plate seat.
Products using perforated steel components ... including benches, picnic tables, and trash receptacles ... can also include custom lettering. Your custom message is left in the steel plate and the perforated holes are punched out around it. There are some limits to the letter size and message length.
1. Select the type of steel cut or punched lettering you want (based on the main product) and add it to the Quote Cart along with your bench, table or trash receptacle. Note: lettering in perforated steel is available only on flat (not contour) surfaces. Series CXB bench seat and back planks will be enlarged to 2" x 12" (nom.) size for correct letter proportions.
2. The price is not based on the number of letters, so for the Quantity enter (1).
3. Then in the Comments section of the Quote Cart form include the message that you would like cut into your product.
We will create a proof of your product and message and e-mail this proof to you for corrections and final approval.