Pilot Rock RJ Thomas Mfg. Co.

Spec Bulletins

Get more detailed product specifications, materials, dimensions, and illustrations from our product spec bulletins. We have an extensive library of product spec bulletins available. These two-page documents will give you more in-depth specifications, drawings, and dimensions of each product. Browse products from the categories below. All spec bulletins are in PDF format.

If you don't find what you are looking for, please contact our Customer Service Dept.



Benches - Frame Kits Only

Bike Racks

Campfire Rings

Charcoal Grills

Lantern Poles

Picnic Tables

Picnic Tables - Accessible

Picnic Tables - Frame Kits Only

Picnic Tables - Snow Load Rated

Trash & Recycling - Lids, Liners, Mounts, Decals

Trash & Recycling Receptacles

Utility Tables

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